Altometrixs has four areas of specialty. The areas are Business and Operational Planning, Specialty Channel Management, Business Process Optimization and Data Visualization & Rapid Analytics.
The specialty areas are designed to offer solutions along a continuum of services from strategy through tactical development and execution. This offers the client flexibility to determine the optimal engagement with their team.
Planning & Operations Management
Setting strategic direction is like setting a course for success or failure. After the right course is set, the critical work begins. There are varying levels of planning required to support the operationalization of the strategy. Planning takes on different characteristics in various stages of the planning process. The stages range from purely strategic on one end of the continuum to the translations into an operational action plan at the other end. Read more »
Specialty Channel Management
The complexity of the specialty channels is growing in multiple aspects throughout the channel. Specialty channel management services are designed to support multiple areas from strategy to contracting through operational execution. Altometrixs partners with their clients to add value where the client needs it most. Read more »
Business Process Optimization
Business processes fall into a range when assessing their effectiveness and ability to deliver. Most business processes eventually need an optimization “tune-up”. The art involves knowing when to optimize, and how far to take the optimization. Is it a “tweak or a complete redesign”.
Altometrixs specific process redesign areas of concentration are in order to cash, Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP), business planning, integrated contracting, returns and channel management. The optimizations have ranged from corporate redesigns to targeted improvements in “areas of pain”. Read more »
Data Visualization & Rapid Analytics
Data can seem overwhelming to a point it feels like it’s “too big to use”. Data sources need to be relationally understood in order to be mined for insights and opportunities.
This is applies to multiple sets of data – sales and inventory, specialty pharmacy, payer, returns, etc. Every data set has a story full of invaluable business insights. Some may be short stories that can more readily be obtained from the data and others require much more analytical heavy lifting.
Altometrixs can help in either area by leveraging data aggregating software and a collaborative cloud platform to help clients understand and navigate their data to identify opportunities and mitigate issues. Read more »
Altometrixs Case Studies
With over 20 years of diverse experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, Altometrixs has helped many organizations improve their internal processes. Check out this representational set of case studies to see how Stephen and his team have impacted small and large companies alike, and hear what people are saying:
- Case Study #1: Business Planning
- Case Study #2: Specialty Pharmacy
- Case Study #3: Customer Operations Business Optimization
- Case Study #4: Forecast and Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)